Manage my reservation
Greetings! We are here to make it easier for you to manage your booking. Please choose which of the following options you would like to make your booking
Modify/Change my booking
Cancel booking
Save balance
Transfer payment

Are you the reservation holder? If you are not, please note that only the holder can request changes to the booking.

  • Please note that if you decide to change dates, the cost may vary. The rate in force at the time of the request will be applied.
  • The modification of the reservation implies a recalculation of the initial amount.
  • We will review your request and, if it is not feasible, we will provide you with a detailed explanation.
  • From 1 January to 30 April and from 23 September to 31 December, no charge will be made for plot and bungalow modifications except for long weekends and public holidays. All other dates and long weekends and public holidays will be governed by the following conditions described below:
    • If you modify more than 30 days before the arrival date, there will be no additional charge for the client except if the modification involves a reduction in the value of the stay initially contracted, it will accrue 30€ in concept of modification costs.
    • If the modification is made 7 to 30 days in advance, a charge of 50% of 1 night will be applied.
    • If the modification is made less than 7 days in advance, a charge of 1 night will be applied.
Si necesitas ayuda con tu reserva contacta con nosotros

    Reservation number*

    Full name (holder)*

    New arrival date*

    Maintain arrival date

    New departure date*

    Maintain departure date

    New type of accommodation/plot*


    I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

    Are you the reservation holder? If you are not, please note that only the owner can request changes to the booking.

    • If the booking is cancelled more than 30 days before the planned date of arrival, the establishment will reimburse the client 100% of the deposit paid, but will charge an administration fee of €10, except in July and August when it will be €30.
    • If the booking is cancelled 7 to 30 days before arrival, the establishment will reimburse the client 50% of the deposit paid. If the booking is cancelled less than 7 days before the planned date of arrival, the deposit paid will remain at the disposal of the company in full.
    • The date of receipt of the form will determine the calculation of the amount to be refunded.
    • In the event that the payment on account of the booking has been made online by credit card within the last year, we will refund the amount on the same card used for the payment.
    • Otherwise, please provide us with the bank details where you would prefer to receive the refund.
    Si necesitas ayuda con tu reserva contacta con nosotros

      Reservation number*

      Full name (holder)*


      Are you the reservation holder? If you are not, please note that only the owner can request changes to the booking.

      • If the booking is cancelled more than 30 days before the planned date of arrival, the establishment will reimburse the client 100% of the deposit paid, but there will be an administration charge of €10, except in July and August when it will be €30.
      • This can only be requested more than 30 days before the arrival date.
      • If you choose this option, the initial payment will be saved as a credit for a future booking, which must be made by the end of the current season.
      Si necesitas ayuda con tu reserva contacta con nosotros

        Reservation number*

        Full name (owner)*


        I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.


        Are you the reservation holder? If you are not, please note that only the reservation holder can request changes to the reservation.

        • This can only be requested more than 30 days before the arrival date.
        • Transferring a payment on account to another existing booking will incur a €10 amendment fee, except in July and August when it will be €30.
        Si necesitas ayuda con tu reserva contacta con nosotros

          Reservation number*

          Full name (holder)*

          Booking number receiving transfer*

          In the name of (do not fill in if it is the same)*

          In the name of (do not fill in if the same)


          I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

          Si necesitas ayuda con tu reserva contacta con nosotros